Exploring Relational Database Management Systems [RDMS]

Glad to have completed my SQL course today. Exploring the world of relational database management systems has been a worthwhile journey to me, especially in this age of internet where user data is the core asset to the BigTech. Got to understand how large datasets could be extracted, stored, manipulated and retrieved to give particular insights about user behaviours when visiting websites/web apps; which would be achievable with respect to the APIs that were implemented during the development of the respective web apps. I’ll be diving deeper into SQL before exploring NoSQL databases like MongoDB and Firebase.

I’ll personally be utilizing MySQL [Oracle] as my preferred RDMS for fullstack projects. On the same note, I have my blogging website on WordPress.com, which I’ll be looking forward to migrate it to WordPress.org after my server environment is set up by my hosting provider. I’ve been using the site to document my tech journey since January and it will be my point of reference sometime in future when tracking my general progress in tech. Will be heading straight to advanced SQL as I expand my knowledge base and technical expertise. The going is tough. It’s never easy. Were it easy, everyone would be doing it. Self-discipline and consistency. – The secret to building grit.

Photo by Kevin Ku on Pexels.com

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